Friday 26 November 2010

NME Contents Page Analysis

I this contents page there is one image in the centre of the page, this is to catch the reads eye first. This is the main focal point of the contents page because it wants to entice people to read one of the main feature articles in the magazine. Overall in this contents page there are seven photographs, this is significant because it tells us that the reader of this magazine will be more likely to read the feature articles in this magazine if there are images to go with them. Underneath each picture in this contents page has a quote which has been pulled out from the article; they have chosen to pull these pieces out of the text because they are the most eye catching piece in the whole article. This is because they want the viewer to turn to the articles as they have read the quotes and have found them interesting. This contents page has been split; feature articles, and regular articles. All of the images used tell us that they are a feature article. And in a small box in the midst of all of the image articles there are the regular features. This is because they are in the magazine every week, and the reader knows what to expect in these articles, these regular features include: reviews, a gig guide, fan mail and a cross word. Also in this magazine there is an advertisement for a subscription to this magazine. This magazine was issued in October so it is relatively near to Christmas, and this advertisement is saying that the reader could give this subscription to a friend for their Christmas gift. This is significant because it tells the viewer that the target audience of this magazine is for someone who has a lot of money, so they will be mostly be male ABC1 aspirers between the ages of 19-25. I know this because the price of this magazine subscription is £74.99, and this is a lot of money to spend on someone. Also there is a clue to the gender of the target audience as mostly all of the subjects in the images are male, so this magazine will mostly appeal to a male market. One of the IPC publications aims was to target 44% of UK men, and as they publish this NME magazine shows that they have successfully attracted a male audience through this magazine. The colours used in this contents page are very simple, black, white and red. The text is black and the background is white, this is successful because it is very clear for the reader to understand, and the colour red has been used for the advertisement in the bottom corner, this is because it has to attract the readers’ eye. The title for this contents page is entitled ‘inside this week’ this has been written using serif font, this makes the title and the whole contents page look classy as this typography is normally associated with importance.

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