Monday 29 November 2010

MixMag contents page

The contents page of this magazine has been coloured black; this is because it makes the magazine look stylish and modern. This means that the text on the page can not be black, as so many contents pages are. So the text that makes up the articles featured on this contents page have been written in the colour white, this is effective because black and white are very complimentary colours so they stand out against each other well. The main subheading is in a bolder font which is the most important part of the contents page as it tells the reader what this article is mainly about. Then underneath this the font is not bold which gives the viewer more of an insight to what each article is about. The colour yellow has been used for the page numbers of each article, this is so the reader can distinguish the page number from the article its self. The colour yellow has been continued through to the large colourful photograph which takes up most of the contents page. In this image two young women are denoted, this is significant because it gives the viewer a clue to who the magazine is targeted at. So I think that from looking at this magazine that the target audience is both male and female teenagers aged between 18-25, and BC1C2, I know this because the price of the magazine is quite expensive at a price of £4.20 every month so they will be able to afford this magazine. Overall in this magazine contents page there are three images. First very large and is the main focal point of the page, second small which is a feature article in this magazine, this is effective use of an image because it gives the reader an insight to what they would expect in the main article. And lastly there is an image of the free CD that you get when you but this magazine, and next to this image there is the listings of what tracks are on this free CD. The type face used for the main titles on his contents page look very mechanical, as if it has been written using a type writer, this links in well with the modern feel as it makes it look very clean cut and geometric which appeal to the younger target audience. In the top left corner of this magazine cover is the logo of the magazine and next to this is the month which this magazine was issued. The month has been written in yellow font, this is to make it stand out against the rest of the text at the top of the page. At the bottom of the mage there is a website address which is to inform the reader that there will be more information in their web page and it would be worthwhile for the readers of this magazine to pay it a visit. Overall I think that this magazine works well as it is visually attractive and interesting to look at, this will help the reader feel involved as they will be able to relate to the modern style of this magazine.

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