Monday 29 November 2010

MixMag Double Page Spread.

In this double page spread one whole side of the page has been taken up with a photograph which is of the ‘Tinie Tempah’ who the feature article in this magazine is on. This image is very eye catching because it takes up on side of the double page spread. This image is a close up of the face of the subject, this works well because it makes the reader feel that they can connect with the subject. But I think what would have made this more evident would have been to use an image where the subject is looking straight into the camera as if he is looking straight at the viewer, this would invite the reader to look longer at image and continue to read the article. On the next page there is a large title which will attract the eye of the reader because it takes up half the page, it also says ‘Big in the Game’ which will attract the viewer because it could be interpreted in many ways. I think that this is a pull out quote from the text. In the top corner there is another smaller image of another band which features in this article, written on the photo is the name of the band, this helps the reader understand the significance of the image as they may not be familiar with this band and they will be able o understand who it is that is being spoken about in the text. Underneath the main title there is a small amount of text (a kicker) which gives a general overview of this article, it summarises the main points in the text. There is a large drop cap at the beginning of this article; this is to put as much emphasis on the first word of the article as possible. There are three columns of text in this article; it makes the page look balanced because there is an equal amount of text to make this whole article look balanced. All of the text on this page has been written in black, on a white background, this works well because it makes the article look clean and inviting to read.

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