Thursday 2 December 2010

Initial Ideas.

• Talk to my cousin about photographing his band (the figures) when they have another band practise
• Take photos of them when they are preforming
• Mannequin-magazine name. Mannequins are used in fashionable high street shops to promote their latest and most up-to-date products in their shop windows; this is to entice the customer to look further into the shop’s products. Therefore the consumer will be more likely to but a product in the shop. This is all due to the fact that they promote their business by using mannequins. Taking this all into account I have decided to call my magazine ‘Mannequin’ as it will lure my target audience into buying the magazine as it has the latest music and fashions featured in its pages. Just as the mannequins in shop windows lure customers into the shops.
• Some photos of the group all together outside (providing it is a nice day)
• Close up shot of each member of the band.
• Let them use the images for their website promotions
• Link to their website
• Introduce them as a new and upcoming band
• Interview them for the double page spread, find out their influences, likes dislikes, the music they play, music, website, be their friend on Face book.
• How they came together.
• What they plan to do next
• Music video?
• £3000 Grant
• Inspire others to do the same.
• Advice for others.

• Harry Wickham
• Tom Annis
• Vidas Vaitkevicius -the best piano player in the world for his age
• Lewis Barham- young conservative for Norfolk and Suffolk
• Henry Hughes
• All their instruments ( guitars and drums)
• Smartly dressed
• Microphone
• Lighting
• Amps

• Rock Lobster studios need to be booked
• Reydon/Southwold streets

Journalistic Techniques

The Radio Times

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is penultimate instalment in the Harry Potter franchise, it is the beginning of the end. This film is a truly amazing masterpiece. It has been worth waiting for. This motion picture sees Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) travel the country in order to find and destroy Lord Voldemorts remaining horcruxes. This thrilling piece of magic will make you laugh and cry. There is a good balance between sincere events and light hearted humour. Then again you will have to have seen the previous six films or read the past six books to fully understand the story. This is definitely a film worth going to the cinema to see, the big screen and the surround sound will certainly put you in the mood for another charming masterpiece by David Yates.

Ok Magazine

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the second from last film of the Harry Potter series, it is the beginning of the end. This is a first rate film and has definitely been worth waiting for. This movie sees Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) travel the country to find and destroy Voldemorts remaining horcruxes. This film will make you laugh and cry. There is a good balance between the sad parts and the funny parts. Then again you will have to have seen the previous six films or read the past six books to fully understand the story. This is definitely worth going to the cinema to see another ace film by David Yates.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Institutional Data

IPC Publications

IPC Media produces over 85 well known media brands, with their print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men – almost 27 million UK adults – while their online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month.
IPC's wide range of print and digital portfolios offer something for everyone, but with a focus on three core audiences: men, mass market women and upmarket women.
Their men's portfolio (IPC Inspire) comprises a wealth of leisure brands including Country Life, Horse & Hound, Rugby World and Decanter, as well as lifestyle brands including Nuts, Mousebreaker and NME.
IPC’s mass market women's division (IPC Connect) comprises famous women's weeklies including Look, Now, Chat and Woman; TV entertainment brands including What's on TV, TVTimes and TV & Satellite Week and, online, the goodtoknow network.
Finally upmarket women's division (IPC Southbank) comprises luxury fashion brands including Marie Claire and InStyle, lifestyle brands including woman&home and essentials and home interest brands including Ideal Home, Livingetc and housetohome.


Emap is central to providing the latest information, analysis and inspiration to the apparel, style, design and retail industries, so that our customers can maximize opportunities and avoid the pitfalls of today’s changing fashion industry. WGSN’s forward-looking trend analysis and real-time intelligence is updated every hour. Drapers have been at the heart of the fashion industry for over 120 years, offering the inside-track on the news, trends, and views that are shaping the sector.
EMAP ceased publishing many magazines in its history; there was in particular a move away from the computing genre during the mid-1990s. one of the magazines that was lost due to this was ‘Smash Hits!’

Emap (now Bauer) launched radio stations off the back of its music magazines such as ‘Kerrang!’

Monday 29 November 2010

MixMag Double Page Spread.

In this double page spread one whole side of the page has been taken up with a photograph which is of the ‘Tinie Tempah’ who the feature article in this magazine is on. This image is very eye catching because it takes up on side of the double page spread. This image is a close up of the face of the subject, this works well because it makes the reader feel that they can connect with the subject. But I think what would have made this more evident would have been to use an image where the subject is looking straight into the camera as if he is looking straight at the viewer, this would invite the reader to look longer at image and continue to read the article. On the next page there is a large title which will attract the eye of the reader because it takes up half the page, it also says ‘Big in the Game’ which will attract the viewer because it could be interpreted in many ways. I think that this is a pull out quote from the text. In the top corner there is another smaller image of another band which features in this article, written on the photo is the name of the band, this helps the reader understand the significance of the image as they may not be familiar with this band and they will be able o understand who it is that is being spoken about in the text. Underneath the main title there is a small amount of text (a kicker) which gives a general overview of this article, it summarises the main points in the text. There is a large drop cap at the beginning of this article; this is to put as much emphasis on the first word of the article as possible. There are three columns of text in this article; it makes the page look balanced because there is an equal amount of text to make this whole article look balanced. All of the text on this page has been written in black, on a white background, this works well because it makes the article look clean and inviting to read.

MixMag contents page

The contents page of this magazine has been coloured black; this is because it makes the magazine look stylish and modern. This means that the text on the page can not be black, as so many contents pages are. So the text that makes up the articles featured on this contents page have been written in the colour white, this is effective because black and white are very complimentary colours so they stand out against each other well. The main subheading is in a bolder font which is the most important part of the contents page as it tells the reader what this article is mainly about. Then underneath this the font is not bold which gives the viewer more of an insight to what each article is about. The colour yellow has been used for the page numbers of each article, this is so the reader can distinguish the page number from the article its self. The colour yellow has been continued through to the large colourful photograph which takes up most of the contents page. In this image two young women are denoted, this is significant because it gives the viewer a clue to who the magazine is targeted at. So I think that from looking at this magazine that the target audience is both male and female teenagers aged between 18-25, and BC1C2, I know this because the price of the magazine is quite expensive at a price of £4.20 every month so they will be able to afford this magazine. Overall in this magazine contents page there are three images. First very large and is the main focal point of the page, second small which is a feature article in this magazine, this is effective use of an image because it gives the reader an insight to what they would expect in the main article. And lastly there is an image of the free CD that you get when you but this magazine, and next to this image there is the listings of what tracks are on this free CD. The type face used for the main titles on his contents page look very mechanical, as if it has been written using a type writer, this links in well with the modern feel as it makes it look very clean cut and geometric which appeal to the younger target audience. In the top left corner of this magazine cover is the logo of the magazine and next to this is the month which this magazine was issued. The month has been written in yellow font, this is to make it stand out against the rest of the text at the top of the page. At the bottom of the mage there is a website address which is to inform the reader that there will be more information in their web page and it would be worthwhile for the readers of this magazine to pay it a visit. Overall I think that this magazine works well as it is visually attractive and interesting to look at, this will help the reader feel involved as they will be able to relate to the modern style of this magazine.

Full Analysis of a Magazine

Full analysis

This front cover has the whole front page covered by one main image, which is one of the members of ‘Mumford and Sons’ which is the main cover line of the magazine, this main cover line has been written in red, this is to catch the reader’s attention, there is a another element of typography written slightly over the top of this, this typography looks naïve as if it has been written as a note over the top, this is to give the viewer a little more insight into the magazine article. The main title of this magazine ‘NME’ has been written in capital letters, this is because it is the initials of the original title;’ New Musical Express’, and this has been written under the main title but in a smaller font, this is to keep with tradition and keep the fact that it was called ‘New Musical Express’ many years ago, this makes this magazine more familiar to the older generation. This title has a house style, the title is in the same place in every magazine, and in the same style, and this is so it will be easily recognisable in the shop alongside other magazines. Above the title is the release date of this issue of the magazine, this is to let the buyer of the magazine know if they have the latest issue of the magazine, and there is the price of the magazine, this is next to the date. The colours used in this magazine cover are white, red and black. Red has been used to attract peoples’ attention, red catches people’s eye as it is a bright colour and normally connotes danger as it is on ‘warning’ posters, so this is a good colour to grab people’s attention. The colour white has been used to contrast against the dark background of the photograph so it stands out well. Lastly the colour black has been used in the top right hand corner to stand out from the box which has been coloured in white. This box has been coloured white because it wants to stand out from other parts of the front cover, as it is advertising that there is some ‘free’ posters in this magazine. The name of the artist who the ‘free’ poster is of has been written in the colour red, so ‘Bob Dylan’ stands out against the white background and attracts the eye of the reader. There is a barcode at the bottom of the page which has the price and date. The subheading on the front cover of the magazine has been written in red, these are the names of the bands and artists featured in the magazine, then underneath these titles there is smaller font has been written in white which tells the reader a bit more about the articles in the magazine which the artists feature in. Overall I think that this magazine cover is very successful in targeting its audience of male ABC1 aspirers between the ages of 19-25.

I this contents page there is one image in the centre of the page, this is to catch the reads eye first. This is the main focal point of the contents page because it wants to entice people to read one of the main feature articles in the magazine. Overall in this contents page there are seven photographs, this is significant because it tells us that the reader of this magazine will be more likely to read the feature articles in this magazine if there are images to go with them. Underneath each picture in this contents page has a quote which has been pulled out from the article; they have chosen to pull these pieces out of the text because they are the most eye catching piece in the whole article. This is because they want the viewer to turn to the articles as they have read the quotes and have found them interesting. This contents page has been split; feature articles, and regular articles. All of the images used tell us that they are a feature article. And in a small box in the midst of all of the image articles there are the regular features. This is because they are in the magazine every week, and the reader knows what to expect in these articles, these regular features include: reviews, a gig guide, fan mail and a cross word. Also in this magazine there is an advertisement for a subscription to this magazine. This magazine was issued in October so it is relatively near to Christmas, and this advertisement is saying that the reader could give this subscription to a friend for their Christmas gift. This is significant because it tells the viewer that the target audience of this magazine is for someone who has a lot of money, so they will be mostly be male ABC1 aspirers between the ages of 19-25. I know this because the price of this magazine subscription is £74.99, and this is a lot of money to spend on someone. Also there is a clue to the gender of the target audience as mostly all of the subjects in the images are male, so this magazine will mostly appeal to a male market. One of the IPC publications aims was to target 44% of UK men, and as they publish this NME magazine shows that they have successfully attracted a male audience through this magazine. The colours used in this contents page are very simple, black, white and red. The text is black and the background is white, this is successful because it is very clear for the reader to understand, and the colour red has been used for the advertisement in the bottom corner, this is because it has to attract the readers’ eye. The title for this contents page is entitled ‘inside this week’ this has been written using serif font, this makes the title and the whole contents page look classy as this typography is normally associated with importance.

In this double page spread, there is one main image which takes up the top half of both the pages. In this image is the same subject but in different poses, so this image has been digitally manipulated to depict the same person. The main colour used in this image is blue, therefore this colour has been continued for the letters of the drop cap, and they are the same colour as the background in this image. There are two pull quotes in this article, this is because the writer of this article wants the reader to read these first, and they are normally the most exciting parts of the text, so this will entice the viewer to read the whole of the article. There are six columns of text in this article, they are quite short, this is because the image has taken up half of the page, so the text quite inviting to read. The fact that there are six columns of body text makes it equal on each page (three on each), this makes the page balanced. There is a kicker underneath the main image and the title of the article. This gives the reader a brief idea to what this article is about. San serif font is used in this double page spread title, this is because the viewer can read it easily and will not miss read it at the bottom of the page there is a small side bar, this is advertising the NME website, which is informing the reader that there is a video for them to watch of this same article, this is significant because the target audience (male ABC1 aspirers between the ages of 19-25) of this magazine will be more interested in the visual side of the article opposed to the written article. This article is featured in this magazine because it features politics which is one of the main things that the New Musical Express focuses on. The reporter for this article has tried to put a new light on this celebrity by focusing on who he really is, they describe the strange things he talks about and the strange things that they see when interviewing him.
There are several adverts in this magazine which advertise a variety of different products, such as; converse, Snickers chocolate bar, HMV, jack Daniels and The Inbetweeners. All of these different products reach out to the same target audience. Young people like to wear converse shoes because they are very fashionable, Snickers chocolate bars are convenience food which is often associated with young people, HMV provides cheap products which young people are able to afford, Jack Daniels is a very popular drink with young people as they like to go out to parties and have a good time with their friends, and lastly The Inbetweeners is a very popular programme with young people as they are able to relate to the young characters featured in the programme.

Across the magazine,, NMETV, NME Radio and the brand's live events and awards, NME reaches over one million music fans every week. NME is the longest published and most respected music weekly in the world. Every week it gives its readers the most exciting, most authoritative coverage of the very best in contemporary music, including award winning features, the latest releases, live reviews, the definitive guide to the best new bands in its Radar section, as well as a regular look back through the magazine's incredible 58 year heritage. It is published but IPC publishing. The reader ship of this magazine is 325,000

Analysis of NME Front Cover

This front cover has the whole front page covered by one main image, which is one of the members of ‘Mumford and Sons’ which is the main cover line of the magazine, this main cover line has been written in red, this is to catch the reader’s attention, there is a another element of typography written slightly over the top of this, this typography looks naïve as if it has been written as a note over the top, this is to give the viewer a little more insight into the magazine article. The main title of this magazine ‘NME’ has been written in capital letters, this is because it is the initials of the original title;’ New Musical Express’, and this has been written under the main title but in a smaller font, this is to keep with tradition and keep the fact that it was called ‘New Musical Express’ many years ago, this makes this magazine more familiar to the older generation. This title has a house style, the title is in the same place in every magazine, and in the same style, and this is so it will be easily recognisable in the shop alongside other magazines. Above the title is the release date of this issue of the magazine, this is to let the buyer of the magazine know if they have the latest issue of the magazine, and there is the price of the magazine, this is next to the date. The colours used in this magazine cover are white, red and black. Red has been used to attract peoples’ attention, red catches people’s eye as it is a bright colour and normally connotes danger as it is on ‘warning’ posters, so this is a good colour to grab people’s attention. The colour white has been used to contrast against the dark background of the photograph so it stands out well. Lastly the colour black has been used in the top right hand corner to stand out from the box which has been coloured in white. This box has been coloured white because it wants to stand out from other parts of the front cover, as it is advertising that there is some ‘free’ posters in this magazine. The name of the artist who the ‘free’ poster is of has been written in the colour red, so ‘Bob Dylan’ stands out against the white background and attracts the eye of the reader. There is a barcode at the bottom of the page which has the price and date. The subheading on the front cover of the magazine has been written in red, these are the names of the bands and artists featured in the magazine, then underneath these titles there is smaller font has been written in white which tells the reader a bit more about the articles in the magazine which the artists feature in. Overall I think that this magazine cover is very successful in targeting its audience of male ABC1 aspirers between the ages of 19-25.